Ivan and his girlfriend Ekaterina keep over 200 bee colonies in the village of Gorsko Kosovo near Sukhindol and Pavlikeni. Ivan started his apiary after years of living abroad and in big cities. However, his love for nature brought him back to the village, where he and his partner devoted themselves to bees. They produce a variety of BIO honey such as acacia, linden and a bouquet of rich forest vegetation.
They both participate in the Adopt a Hive program ????
Ivan’s story: ‘I grew up in the countryside, with the animals and hayfields. My father was a veterinary paramedic. There was an old man who had a couple of hives and he would always call me to see them, tell me about them and I would eat honey… great joy. He was the guy that started it all. Then I broke the connection with the village, sold the house, went to study and then lived outside my country. I lived in big cities and I always missed nature, the countryside and the freedom it gives me. So in 2010 I came back. I often thought about the grandpa with the bees and how I wanted to have a few hives too, but I had no experience. It was the beginning of March and without thinking I immediately bought 20 hives… Big whoop – I made an apiary! I will never forget opening the first hive – it was love at first sight. I started reading about bees and watching them daily. I got to know their lives more and more. I quickly decided that I wanted to be involved with just them.
Eversince, I spend my summers in the countryside, I have built two apiaries and now keep over 200 colonies. I fulfilled a childhood dream of mine and I can say that being a beekeeper is not a hobby or a business, but a different way of life. Once you have tended to something so diligently with desire and love, there is nothing better than knowing you have helped this pure food from nature reach someone and contribute to their health. Because honey is not only food, but also medicine.
My long-time girlfriend Ekaterina Eneva is also involved in this whole process. Shortly after my return I met her (again – love at first sight). A few months later we lived together and moved to a village, then I told her about the bees and she got very excited. A week after that we went to pick up the first colonies. A little more timidly, but gradually she too got into the life of bees. She has always supported and helped me in times of need, especially for the creation of brood cells and the centrifugation of the honey. After a massive pesticide exposure, poisoning and dying of many bees, I moved all the colonies 34km away to a mountainous area – the land of Gorsko Kosovo village. In a warm spring first comes the fresh spring nectar of dandelion, wild cherry, wild pear, zucchini, mullein.. then the fine acacia honey sometimes mixed with amorpha, meadow nectar of shepherd’s purse, clover, rosehips and vetiver. And when the lindens burst open and the colonies are at their peak, the honeycombs overflow with extremely rich, fragrant and strong honey – a feast for all the senses.”